DogTime Blogs

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fun Games with Your Pet

Hide n Seek
In the same room, hide behind a door or furniture and call your cat’s name. When your cat finds you, reward them with a small treat or by petting them gently. Once your cat gets good at this, choose another room or a bigger area in the house.

Most dogs enjoy a game of fetch. Using a Frisbee, safely and gently throw it. When your dog returns, hold up a treat and command them to drop. If your pet drops the toy, give them the treat. Cats too can learn how to fetch. Using a small toy like a lightweight ball or stuffed toy, throw it gently across the floor and allow your cat to chase it. Once caught, call your cat back and see if it returns it. Practice makes perfect.

Flashlight fun
In a dark room, use the flashlight to create a beam of light. Without shining the light into your pet’s eyes, move the beam of light across the floor and watch your cat chase it.

Fishing pole toys
Wand type toys with dangling feathers or streamers are a lot of fun for your cat. Moving the pole in a snake-like or mouse-like movement can excite your cat to play.

Walking fun
It’s important for both cats and dogs to be comfortable on a leash.

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